After – 12th day of war

I was released for a short vacation from the military reserve duty (After in the IDF slang), which 6 hours of it we spent driving to my parents’ house in Har Adar, and back to the company.

It was heartwarming to see all Israel flags on the way home: on cars, on the boards, and on the signs. And all the spots along the way where people supporting the soldiers on the way and hand out free food and drinks.

I decided to make a surprise to Aba and Ima and my family. Partly as a happy surprise, partly as I was not sure I will really be released (I was part of the first round to be released since the the Tzav 8, and only knew about it half an hour before I was).

But what was really fun was to enter the lioness den and see the surprising faces of Ima, Aba, my sisters, and my sisters in law. And of course, Xuxa who did not leave my side for those 24 hours.

I excepted to see Atzva and the kids sitting down and eat dinner, but they were down in the residential unit. I went down to see Jannaeus, Mindal, Dub, and Atzva.

Mindal was excited, Jannaeus was mainly happy to show me how progressed in the game in the tablet, but Atzva was really excited.

I spend time with the kids reading them books and putting them to sleep. I then sent down to eat and talk with Atzva and the family, making a new shiftzur for my cellphone.

I had to leave back in the morning to come back on time, as Biden visit could have caused traffic jams.

Take Care

Israel flags instead of road signs - afterIsrael flags instead of road signs – after

Road signs saying- together we will win - afterRoad signs saying- together we will win

A tank on the way north A tank on the way north

Military reserve duty warriors cars on the way of the roadMilitary reserve duty warriors cars on the way of the road