The volunteering for reserve duty service

Volunteering for reserve duty service – 160th day of war

Am I volunteering for reserve duty service? I do not know, but I must say it comes in a very problematic timing.

Today, we had a closure meeting with an organizational consultant. The idea was to talk about what bothered us in this reserve duty line.

As we are a group of though man, who do not share their feelings, we answer her questions pretty cynically. When she asked what we were missing in this reserve duty and the first said sleeping (it was me), the others followed and answered the same.

Slowly, slowly, she did manage to squeeze it out of us. It seems that one of the big issues, if not the biggest, was the commanding line.

When we were looking back, we realized we had nobody to support us: the platoon commander left after couple of weeks in the middle of the night (to be with his pregnant wife, in 9th month). It was me that had to step in and command the platoon.

The company commander and his two deputy commanders shared one role of the company commander. They changed in the role so frequently. There were times I did not know who my commander was.

That also meant there was no company deputy Commander, and other had to take the responsibility on themselves. What made more mess.

On top of it, all of the three above (company commander and the deputies) announced they will end their duty as of today.

I think we all felt abandoned, and in this time, I got the massage each reserve duty soldier is praying to get – the announcement I to be released from reserve duty service (and the question do I wish to keep in volunteering for reserve duty).

End my reserve duty service in this time, where the company has basically no commanding line, will only make things worse for my platoon.

On the other hand, those reserve duty periods are a fraction in my life: as a father, as a husband, as a worker, as a friend, as a son, as a brother and so on… and as you get older and your life is filling in , this fractures getting deeper and harder to heel.

I still do not if I would volunteer or not, this is something Atzva and I to discuss on.

Take Care

The volunteering for reserve duty serviceThe volunteering for reserve duty service

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