Changing line – 111st day of war

I did not understand how worried I was about my upcoming military reserve duty callout until we were announced that are changing line (meaning where we will do our operation activity).

The place that we were supposed to be on was Ramim Ridge. The area that is being attacked dailly by Hezbollah anti-tank missiles, rockets, and mortar shells and UAVs.

I realized how free I was when I took one of two weekly running trainings. I felt like the length had been shortened by a half, and I could also run it twice as fast. I was looking back on my day, and nothing seemed to be different.

I have been running those places since we moved to Ramat Gan. The work is exhausting as ever, as well as taking care of my sweet kids and baby and chores. So how come my running felt so easy?

It was the changing of line, we been announced on today. Sitting down on the valley of Hula, instead of sitting in Ramim ridge, means we are less likely to be hit (injured or killed).

We are all eager to fight, but as an engineering unit sitting guarding the post as an infantry unit, we are mainly ducks. Standing on the posts, trying to avoid the hits. The range is too far for as to react. Those are mainly done by IAF aircraft and tanks.

The next month and a half will be hard. Unlike the activities we did in the first two months of war, this will be something completely different. Back then, we were a reserve unit on the Golan Heights, but now we will we be on the front line of the situation on the northern border of Israel with Lebanon.

Take Care

Ramim ridge during the war - where we were supposed to be positioned. - Changing lineRamim ridge during the war – where we were supposed to be positioned.

The empty settlements of Hula Valley - where we will probably be positioned. Changing lineThe empty settlements of Hula Valley – where we will probably be positioned.