Antigen self check for Coronavirus 🦠

After last year daily temperature check and approval for the kids, we now have the Antigen self check for the coronavirus (and of course the approval, on paper or electronic). It seems we will have to do those each week to send over the kids for kindergarten.

They are cheaper and quicker than the PCR test we used to take until this time, but also less reliable. This is why we could not take them when we flow to USA, or to get out of our quarentine.

It is very simple test and the results are mostly clear – just push the swab to the kids’ nose and mouth, than place it in a test tube, shake and drop it on the result part. When saying it simple I mean the kit is, but pushing the swab into Jannaeus and Mindal noses was never an easy task….

The result part looks like a pregnancy test – a small plastic piece with a window for two lines: one means there are antigens for coronavirus, the second means there are no antigens. Two lines means you should take the test again…😐

The reults part makes it sometimes feel like one of those home pregnancy test. The results might as dramatic as this test. But a positive result means quarentinte for the kid. And staying at home with one (or more) of your kids for another whole week, after a month of holidays and the summer vacation is nothing you wish to avoid…

But those test might prevent us future quarentines. Till now, if a there was a coronavirus case in one  of our kids’ kindergarten – the all were sent to qurentine. But now, with the checks, only positive kids will stay at home 😀

Take Care

The antigen self test box that we got from municipality of Ramat Gan

The Antigen self check box that we got from municipality of Ramat Gan

The test tubes and the resukys for Mindal and Jannaeus - no antigens means they can go to kindergarten.

The test tubes and the results for Mindal and Jannaeus – no antigens means they can go to kindergarten.

The approval we had to fill in every morning, after checking the temperature. In Jannaeus kindergarten someone created an Google docs forms that was much more convenient and easy

The approval we had to fill in every morning, after checking the temperature. In Jannaeus kindergarten someone created an Google docs forms that was much more convenient and easy