Coronavirus Omicron variant 🦠

We have passed the Coronavirus Delta variant ,that caused the 4th wave, and a new variant is knocking on our doors. And it is already has a name – Omicron variant.

I thought I know the name of the Greek alphabet after Engineering degree in IIT, but guess not… Omicron

The vaccines, and mostly the third vaccine (the Booster) have prevented the fourth lockdown. And Israel is just starting to vaccine kids at ages 5-12 (we did not vaccine Jannaeus, for he might get his Adenoid removed soon). Our PM, Bennet, wish to prevent lockdown in any cost. He insisted along the other lockdowns that Bibi does not know how to handle the pandemic and he do (he evenwrote a book on it called, if you believe it, How to defeat a pandemic).

Meanwhile, people still do not agree we have a pandemic. I am not talking about those who refuse to take vaccine (and then blame the government for poisoning them when lying down on the hospital bed), but just ordinary people. Like the woman who got back from Malawi with the new variant, and instead staying in quarantine at home – took a bus down to Eilat

Other than that, Atzva had broken her shoulder while practicing her workup on the pole. Which make it harder to take care of kids who keep changing sickness between one another (at least it is not the Omicron Coronavirus variant). Lucky us to get Ima and Aba to the rescue. On top of it my work at the factory is killing me as we try to teach 20 fresh engineers to do the work of 40 experienced engineers.

We I got mad at the electronics shop this Black Friday. I wish one of my TWS earphones and look to buy new. I hoped there will bigger discount for the event, and it did…. but so is the price.

Take care

The Omicron letter of the Greek ABC. Seem like O, of "Oh boy, not again..."

The Omicron letter of the Greek alphabet. Seem like O, of “Oh boy, not again…”