Abu Kabir


The first thing you think about when I hear the name Abu Kabir is the detention center. (That my friend Tiron was almost taken to when he caught smoking on a alley when we were waiting to get in to the Mossad club).
But then you think about you realize it is not only the detention center.

There is also the forensic institute of Abu Kabir, the only one in Israel. Lucky me I don’t have personal interest in it but Atzva family and others religious are mad of them as the idea of autopsies is against Judaism.

After this what comes across my mind are the cheap clothing shop Ima used to buy us cloths when we were kids, and she now buys for Jannaeus and Mindal.

Only now, after spending two mornings in the neighborhood we saw there are a bit more stuff in it.

It used to be a poverty neighborhood of Jaffa, and was abandoned during the War of Independence, when it was area of many combats.

Now it mostly holds some interesting places, apart from the above.

First is the Saint Peter and Saint Tabitha Russian Orthodox Church, which its high tower rise above the area. We did not got in, not because we did not want to, we just did not catch the hours.

Most important for us were the Nature Gardens next to the church (ecological botanic garden). In some Sabbath mornings there are family activities by Bina, but just walking around with the kids is a nice activity.The gardens are part of the Nature school.

Take Care

Abu Kabir detention center
Abu Kabir detention center

The far building is where the Mossad club was
The far building is where the Mossad club was

Clothing shop
Clothing shop

The tower of Saint Peter and Saint Tabitha Russian Orthodox Church
The tower of Saint Peter and Saint Tabitha Russian Orthodox Church

A neighborhood house ruins in the playground next to the church. The area will become residential again, when a plan to built thousands of apartments was approved.
A neighborhood house ruins in the playground next to the church. The area will become residential again, when a plan to built thousands of apartments was approved.

The church old gate - Abu Kabir
The church old gate

The entrance to the gardens, that divided to areas - Abu Kabir
The entrance to the gardens, that divided to areas

The winter pool
The winter pool

The spring area - Abu Kabir
The spring area

A forest park area
A forest park area

A guided tour - Abu Kabir
A guided tour

Creativity activity for Kids
Creativity activity for Kids

The stages of development of the Mediterranean forest

The Beta fauna
The Beta fauna

The Geriga faunaT
The Geriga fauna

the Mediterranean forest - Abu Kabir
The Mediterranean forest

The Jerusalem pine group in the Mediterranean forest
The Jerusalem pine group in the Mediterranean forest

Renovated Bloomfield Stadium, just south of Abu Kabir
Renovated Bloomfield Stadium, just south of Abu Kabir