Falling apart

Maybe it is the age, or the fact I am Aba to Jannaeus for almost year and an half – but it feels like I am falling apart. Physically.

First it was the glasses. It came when I set in the office, feeling the whole pressure sitting on my shoulders. I tried to look right, and it felt like my right eye just jumped out of place. The Ophthalmologist said that I have Cylinder the right eye, and that might have developed due to the age. The optometrist set my numbers and since then I am with a pair of glasses on my eyes (at least when I remember to put them on….).

Than, after a month in the military reserve, in the last day I felt bad. I knew what this feeling means, cause I had hemorrhoids about 10 years ago. It might have been the Karma, after we laughed on one of the soldiers that had to take sickness day during military reserve for the same reason.

Now, I run about 40 km a week (10+10+20). Maybe it because I came back from reserve and went running full power ahead. Or maybe because the mention above made me stand during work (and because I have heard it isn’t healthy to sit so much. But my knee start making me problems. And right after that, me left knee started too (make sense – you start walking unevenly). Slowly I going back running, but I can still feel it.

falling apart, did I say? That is it for now 🙂

Take care