Fourth wave and third vaccine 💉

The fourth wave of the Coronavirus has passed Israel. It was an easy wave, in the meaning there was no lockdown like the earlier waves. The amount of deaths was relatively small compared to third wave.

You may say, it was the idea of our new prime minister, to avoid lockdown at any cost. The government decided on a booster (third vaccine), and it was enough to keep the wave low and the country out of quarantine.

We passed the wave without quarentine. The kids are almost not sent for quarantine with the quick self test antigen checks.

The talks are now to vaccine also kids under 12 years old. I must say I not quite sure how we will go ahead with it.

The third vaccine hit me as hard as the second one and I had to spend the weekend at my father and mother in law yo rest. Atzva got it pretty much the same way, make sense after what her sister* explained. After Fatma got the coronavirus, a week after the second vaccine expired. I wondered how it effect me, as her brother with shared genes. But in fact, Atzva and I share most of our immune system properties as we live together for 10 years, and share the same germs and viruses.

In the military reserve duty I had last week, only people with green badge (vaccine in date, or recovered from the virus) were allowed to practice. This was of course an opportunity for many to avoid the duty and we were only 10 people in the squad.

Take Care

getting the third vaccine

Getting the third vaccine.

the fourth wave death count, less worse than the third wave

The fourth wave death count, less worse than the third wave

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Books of the Fifth Wave series. Hope we will not have to deal with it soon.