August 11 2016 – Week 18 – kicks

Ramat Gan, Israel
Week 18 ,
He is already as big as a mango. And he kicks!
Last Ultrasound check we had – we watched him going crazy: move all around and making a big show for us. It was good for the doctor because it helped him taking good photos =).

Atzva keep saying she is not sure if what she feels is her digestive system or the fetus. And as time pass, she more and more sure what she feeling and felt before was the fetus. That she can feel it turn around, move and kicks.

But now I also can feel it! When it kicks in the direction of the Atzva belly. If I close and enough and quick enough to lay my hand on Atzva belly, I can feel it kicks! Till now I had to believe the doctors and the machines that it is really in there (Yes, Atzva belly is getting bigger. But also happens after she eats a lot. And lately she is been eating a lot… ). And now – now when I feel it, the all thing real!

Take Care

Atzve belly - kicksAtzve belly – Not much to see right now, but enough to notice the difference