September 23th 2012- Bus Accident

envelope - bus accidentbooknegative - bus accident
Haifa, Israel
A lovely finish for a lovely week…
But that end made me understand something, about myself.
A week that started with my grandmother leaving us, ended with a bus full of children involved in a car accident and and burned north east of Jerusalem.

“A settlers bus accident”, I thought to myself “I wonder if my girlfriend might knows any of the children over there”. I thought on her sisters and brothers, and got to the conclusion that they won’t be there. “The red “cross” is evacuating the wounded children to the hospital” explained the reporter.

The radio report kept streaming while I was working. And as it streamed, the stone on my heart got heavier. The almost crying reporter explained the details, about the accident, about the rain, about the 11 Palestinian kids that were sent to the hospitals in Jerusalem and Ramallah….

I don’t like to admit it, but when he said that they were Palestinians I felt a bit better. Still really bad, but a bit better.

Why? because it wasn’t our children, because it was their children. Palestinian kids and not Jewish kids.

I didn’t admit it before myself. I thought that I’m a liberal person. I guess I am not, it might be good, it might be bad. But it is me and it’s good I admit in front of me who I am.

Take Care